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VHS Digital Conversions - £9.99 Per Tape

Don't lose those cherished, precious memories to the attic, or dusty boxes where they cannot be seen!

We use high end equipment to transfer your old VHS tapes, and put them onto DVD so they can be enjoyed again!

Share the memories of a past wedding video, re-visit past holiday memories, or laugh at the kids playing in the garden.


We can can convert: VHS, VHS-C, 8MM , HI8 & Mini DV!

VHS Conversion Terms & Conditions - Important


  • VHS transfers happen in real time so an hour tape takes an hour to copy, we aim to complete your transfer within 48 hours however when busy this may take up to 7 Working days.

  • VHS tape is now ageing and depending where and how they have been stored they can become fragile.
    Grendon Computers does not accept any liability if a tape snaps during the copying process. Snapped tapes will not be charged for and a repair service is available subject to amount of damage using a splicing technique.


  • As above VHS quality vary from tape to tape and the digital transfer can only be as good as the original please remember that VHS tapes are a old format and when viewing on modern TVs they will look much poorer quality

  • Grendon Computers will review the first few minutes of the tape to confirm its not a recorded TV program, however we don't sit and watch the full conversion so are not liable for recorded over issues. 

  • Original Tapes will be kept for 7 days and then destroyed unless originals are requested back on the form below. (return postage to be paid by customer, unless collecting from Grendon Computers).


How It Works!....



Complete your order form below.


Grendon Computers will Confirm receipt and review tapes for any mould or damage.


Captured footage is reviewed for quality. 


Ship or Deliver Your VHS Tapes to Grendon Computers


Digital Conversion is completed 


Captured footage would then either be burnt to DVD, Copied onto USB or Download Link Sent.

Example Conversion 
Here is a short conversion clip from my wife's Graduation 

Destination Media Types

Digital Download - Included - We will convert your VHS to a digital file which we will e-mail you a link, this can then then be saved onto your computer , uploaded to Facebook etc. We Would advise you back it up in multiple locations just to keep it safe.


DVD - Included (Up to 3 Tapes) 3+ £3.99 - Each tape will be converted to a DVD Disc, if you give us 3 tapes you will receive 3 DVD's


USB - £7.99 - Your digital file will be placed onto a USB stick, these will then be able to be played in many modern Smart TV's or of course your PC. (We also happy to use your own USB Stick , Please note the stick must be empty)

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